"Eadweard Muybridge, a San Francisco photographer. Muybridge was hired by California governor Leland Stanford in 1877 to settle a bet. Stanford had bet that there is a moment when a horse, at a full gallop, completely leaves the ground. Muybridge set up an experiment involving a series of cameras with shutters hooked to trip wires, and helped the governor win the bet."

This set of images is fantastic because it was at the forefront of cinema. This is an attempt to document the movement of a horse in increments, which appears to be what film attempted to do early on in it's development. We actually viewed this image in class and I thought it was interesting how the horse with his movement would let off a shutter in the camera every time he would cross a certain point. This appears to be the first time photography has attempt to document movement which appears to be the foundation of film as we know it today.

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